So you recently had your birthday and are now of driving age. If you have been waiting for this day for a while now, then there is likely nothing else on your mind but the thought of driving around the streets of New York. Nicknamed The Big Apple, New York is home to some of the most beautiful routes and scenic highways, making it the perfect place to enjoy a drive. From the Seven Lakes Drive to Long Island’s scenic byways, you can never go wrong with a road trip in the big city.
Given that you have only recently entered the world of driving, hitting the road may sound like a daunting thought. You may be excited to go on a road trip, but you may also have lingering concerns at the back of your head. Whatever the case may be, this is a natural feeling that will get better as you gain more experience. However, before you start going on frequent drives, it does not hurt to be extra cautious and pay close attention while on the road. Safety is your topmost priority, so by doing things like finding a New York car accident lawyer and staying alert during the rush hour, you can have a smooth experience.
If you are unsure how to transition from a driving lesson to the actual driving experience, here are a few things to keep in mind.
Drive in Familiar Places
While you may be excited to explore new places, it may be best to start driving on familiar roads. Visit the places that you frequent and get yourself acquainted with sitting on the driver’s seat. Maintain a safe speed and learn how to accelerate slowly and press the brakes gently to avoid getting into collisions. Use this as an opportunity to familiarize yourself with reading road signs, operating a car, and driving. No matter how much you practiced or studied during your lessons, the feeling of driving on an open road will prove to be different.
Prepare Emergency Contacts
Driving lessons are meant to equip you with the knowledge and skills to avoid accidents, but many things can happen when on the road. Thus, it will help to have the contact of a New York car accident lawyer in case something happens. Getting a professional to represent you can ensure you get proper compensation and follow the necessary legal steps. Similarly, make sure to find a go-to mechanic if your car suddenly malfunctions or needs a tune-up.
Be Alert During the Rush Hour
The rush hour can be one of the most challenging and frustrating times for drivers, so if you expect to be out during that time, you have to be extra alert. Due to the traffic and volume of cars on the road, people may drive dangerously as they are rushing to get home or to work. To stay safe, you can opt to take a few measures, such as choosing a different route, staying in your lane, maintaining a cautious distance between your car and other cars, and others.
Bring a Friend or Relative
Calming your nerves may not be the easiest thing to do when you drive on the road for the first time. Thus, you can consider bringing an experienced friend or family member to join you on your trip. Have them sit in the passenger’s seat to instruct you or give advice about driving techniques so that you can feel more at ease.